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What is your recruitment process?

We are registered in various credible translation workplace sites and we receive approximately 10 resumes per week. In order to be considered, each translator has to meet the following criteria:

  1. At least 3 years of previous experience.
  2. Minimum education level: Bachelor’s degree or additional related experience beyond the minimum 3 years of experience.
  3. Native speaker of the target language.
  4. Able to communicate well in written and verbal English as determined by our expert examiners.
  5. Able to provide at least 3 favorable references for background and character check.

How can I work as a translator for 1-Stop?

Please visit our Job Posting or Registration page located in our Translators page.

How do you pay your translators?

We have flexible payment terms. For translators located in the US, we normally pay via check. For translators located outside of the US, we can pay via PayPal or wire transfer. Please visit our Flexible Payment Terms page for more details.

I’m an experienced professional translator. Do I still need to perform a test translation?

We respect your experience as a professional translator; however our policy is to perform test translations on all translators who would like to be included in our database. Since we would like to be able to work with you on a long-term basis, we need to familiarize ourselves with your translation style.

Can you provide me with more details about your test translation?

We provide a custom test translation (approximately 500 words). The subject area for the test translation will be determined based on your experience and/or on our current needs. You will have to finish the test translation and return it back to us within 1 week from the date the test was sent.

I speak more than 2 languages. Can I register as a translator for multiple language pairs?

As a rule of thumb, your native language will be your main target language. However, if you have the ability to translate into multiple languages then we will perform a custom test translation for each language pair that you want to be registered in.

I have a full-time job and I can only accept jobs after my regular working hours. Can I still register as a translator?

Yes, we provide 24-hours assistance. If you have a specific time period in which you can accept jobs from us, please disclose this information to our Vendor Manager. We will input all these additional information into our database so that our Project Managers will be aware of your preferred working time.

I’m a professional translator but I have never worked with a CAT tool before. Can I still work with 1-Stop?

After you passed our test translation and prior to starting our collaboration we will provide training materials and how-to guides on each CAT tool that you need to use. Our Vendor Manager and Project Manager are always ready to provide support to you should you experience problems with the tool. In addition, we also regularly conduct online and onsite training sessions to provide guidance and to listen to our translators’ feedback.

There’s a problem with my PO amount. Whom should I contact?

Any issues regarding your PO amount should be discussed with the Project Manager in charge. If the Project Manager is not available, please contact our Accounts Payable department at

Whom should I contact for any payment related issues?

Please contact our Accounts Payable department at

I want to receive more work from 1-Stop. Whom should I contact in order to achieve this?

It pays to build good relationships with our Project Managers. If you do this, our Project Managers will be more than happy to send more jobs your way. On top of that, the following traits are essential in our regular translators:

  1. Quick response time
    • Always replies to our emails in a timely manner.
  2. Availability
    • Our client prefers to use the same translators for ongoing jobs, so our Project Managers tend to select translators who have a high probability of accepting future jobs as well.
  3. Reliability
    • Always provides their best quality work in all projects (whether big or small).
  4. Responsibility
    • Willing to take responsibility for all work performed, even when a negative feedback is received.
  5. Flexibility
    • Willing to work in projects with tight turnaround or tight budget.
  6. Teamwork
    • Able to work well in a team setting.

Can I apply as an in-house translator at 1-Stop?

Please keep an eye on our Job Posting page to see if we have any current job openings for in-house translator.