This section contains a collection of articles and presentations from various publications and events that are related to the translation industry and the Asian market






September 2015
Introduction to Asian Language Markets and Languages
Don Shin
March 2015
Optimizing Quality and Cost of In-house Translator
Don Shin
May 2014
Wire Transfer Fee Presentation
Don Shin
March 2014
Turning Challenges Into Opportunities
Don Shin
May 2013
MT for Asian Languages: Why, When, Where, and How?
Don Shin
June 2012
From life-long enemies to new market – a translation service provider view of MT
Don Shin
October 2010
Tech 201 for Translators
Don Shin
October 2010
Dubbing vs. Subtitling
Francesca Riggio
September 2009
Assessing the Southeast Asian Markets
Pricilla Niode
May 2009
Free Technology: New Zero-Cost Software for Translation Memory and Project Management
Don Shin
November 2008
Working with Asian Customers and Suppliers
Don Shin
September 2008
Tips for Web Site Localization
Felicia Bratu
May 2008
Simple IT Solutions for Small Business
Don Shin
September 2006
Technical Difficulties in dealing with Asian Languages
Don Shin
September 2006
Taking Advantage of New Emerging Asian Language markets and winning business
Don Shin
June 2006
Managing Korean language projects
Sean Lee
March 2006
Why Should You Hire a Professional Language Company? How Do I Find and Hire One?
Bob McLean
January 2006
Can China Top the US in R&D?
Darryl K. Taft
January 2006
China’s Five Surprises
Edward Tse
January 2005
Getting China Straight
Don Shin
November 2004
What’s Different About Asian Localization?
Panel Discussion
June 2004
Localization for South Korea
Laurel Wagers
May 2004
Managing Chinese
Don Shin
Translation: Getting It Right
Chris Durban & Antonio