Going Mile High for ATA and AMTA 2010

1-Stop Translation has recently returned from the 51st ATA Conference in Denver, Colorado. Don Shin, our CEO and Rescy de Guzman, our Retention and Quality Control Manager were present throughout the 4-day event.

On the last day of the conference, the Korean Language Division (KLD) granted Don with the opportunity to share his years of experience and knowledge as a translator with the general ATA audience. If you missed his presentation “Tech 201 for Korean translators: Useful Sites and Technologies that can Change Your Life and Business” please click here to download the full presentation.

Right after the conclusion of ATA 2010, Don opted to attend AMTA 2010 (October 31 – November 4, 2010) which was held in a nearby hotel. It was our first time attending the conference and certainly won’t be our last.

For more pictures from the event, please click here.


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