China Company Trip

1-Stop Translation’sChina office recently returned from what was an exciting and adventurous company trip over the past weekend. The company rented a private bus for the employees of the office and took them two hours south to Anshan where officemates enjoyed revitalizing their bodies in the natural hot spring and a competitive game of water polo in an indoor pool.

“It was the first time I was ever forced to wear a swimming cap in a pool,” recalled Robert Wasserman of 1-Stop China.

After swimming, the group checked into their hotel accommodations at the foothills of the mountains. There, a long, jovial dinner was enjoyed by all. Drinking games ensued and smiles and laughter were present throughout the meal. Later that night, the company enjoyed group performances which were scripted and rehearsed prior to the trip. The evening concluded with some truly talented 1-Stop Karaoke singing.

The next day, employees awoke at the crack of dawn, ate a quick breakfast and loaded the bus, on their way to a mountain climbing expedition. For the next 5 hours, employees wheezed their way to the top of the mountain where 5 stone Buddhas stood guarding the peak.

“The highlight of the trip was reaching the top of the mountain,”” said Eileen Cao, 1-Stop China’s Human Resources Manager. “”Everyone shouted 1-Stop and we all shook each other’s hands.”

1-Stop Translation CEO, Don Shin, went on the company trip.
“It was a terrific experience and I look forward to many more of these kinds of company outings in the years to come,”said Shin. To view pictures submitted by our China office staff,
click here.


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