Summer of 2 Hot Events with 1-Stop Translation

This past Summer was sizzling with a couple of hot events for 1-Stop Translation.

10th Annual ATA-TCD Conference

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

July 30 – August 1, 2009

In this ATA-TCD’s mid year conference, 1-Stop Translation was represented by our CEO, Don shin who had been invited as one of the guest speakers to the event.

Don, together with Renato Beninatto, a well-known figure in the localization industry conducted a joint-session on the final day of the conference. As industry experts they shared their knowledge and insights on the future of the translation industry and offer suggestions on how to be prepared for those changes.

Date: Saturday, August 1, 2009

Time: 4:45 – 6:00 pm

Title: The Future of Translation Industry: MT, TM, Open Source, Crowdsourcing: Where’s It All headed? And What Should You Do to Prepare?

Berkeley Globalization Conference (LISA @ Berkeley)

University of California, Berkeley, Clark Kerr Campus

August 3 – 5, 2009

Don’s proposal had been selected by the Program Committee and he made an appearance as one of the speakers in this much anticipated event. This time Don focused his presentation on the Southeast Asian region. He shared his knowledge and on-hand experience in dealing with localization projects for countries in this region.

Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time: 1:45 – 2:15 pm

Title: Localization Problems in South-East Asian Languages


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