Holiday Wishes from 1-Stop Translation 2008 Calendar and Holiday Greeting download

Holiday Wishes from 1-Stop Translation 2008 Ching Calendar and Holiday Greeting download

2007 is about to come to an end and while we hope your year has been a successful one, we wish you an even better one for the upcoming 2008.
This year has been enriched with wonderful new business relations and with the development of long and lasting existing ones. 1-Stop translation has grown in size and quality this past year. While we have welcomed new employees in our team, we have also developed new tools and techniques to ensure a higher quality of service and improve our communication with our clients.

As a new year is approaching, we would also like to take the time to introduce our new mascot for 1-Stop Translation: Ching.  Ching is the new icon of 1-Stop Translation and like many of our team members she is fluent in several Asian languages, as a matter of fact she speaks more than 10 Asian languages. On top of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean which are her main languages, she also speaks Vietnamese, Thai, Tagalog, Malay, Indonesian, Cambodian, and many more.

Click here to view our Ching Flash Card

Click here to download Ching Calendar 2008


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