1-Stop Translation Welcomes five new employees!

1-Stop Translation Welcomes five new employees!

Following our steady rate of growth, this month proves to be one of tremendous growth as we add 5 new members to our team.In our US headquarters, we put our marketing efforts in full force as we have developed a young and ambitious Marketing team. Keep the names Andrew Mark and Jason Cheung in mind as you will soon be hearing more of them!

In our China office, we have strengthened the technical side of our company. Genius is our new webmaster and the creator of this very site. Don¡¯t let the name fool you as Genius truly is a wizard of the web! Nick is our new Systems Engineer here to ensure that our systems are always running in top form, which means that our services will become even more reliable (if that is even possible…)! Wendy has been added to the Desktop Publishing (DTP) team so that we always have someone (with the utmost qualifications and experience) who is working on your project, making sure you receive it when you need it.


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