1-StopAsia Returns from Exhibiting at the ALC 2015 Conference
It’s been less than a week since we’ve returned from the ALC conference- Not only do we feel refreshed from seeing old faces, but we are excited to share what we have learned and gained through attending and exhibiting at one of the great language industry conferences. As an exhibitor, we are more than thrilled to have been right in the midst of it once again. This year’s edition was held at the Omni Nashville Hotel, in Nashville, Tennessee from May 6th through May 9th, 2015. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who stopped by our booth and tried our newly revamped 1-StopAsia trivia game! We certainly hope you are thoroughly enjoying your new selfie stick! This year, 1-StopAsia was represented by CEO and Founder, Don Shin and accompanied by Marketing Manager, Pricilla Niode.
The ALC Conference is “designed to provide you with numerous opportunities to tap into the knowledge of successful business owners. You’ll make connections with like-minded professionals with whom you can share your experiences, ask questions, and brainstorm solutions, even after the event is over.”
We would like to once again personally thank everyone for stopping by and visiting us. We absolutely enjoyed your company. For more conference information, please visit www.alcconf.org. We look forward to seeing you again next year.