Chinese New Year Notice
We here at 1-StopAsia want to wish you a very prosperous year! We appreciate all of your business and wish you nothing but success! 2015 is the year of the Sheep! What lies in store for the 2015-2016 year you ask? According to the Chinese calendar, 2015 is going to be an exciting year! It will be full of many opportunities for promotion, collaboration and investment! It will be full of many opportunities for promotion, collaboration and investment! Prosperity is in the air, and for good reason: With your sensible approach to finances, very little is off limits this year! With your health intact, solid investments and tight-knit ties; you’ll see an increase in all aspects of success.
During the holiday, only 1-StopAsia’s USA Headquarters will remain open during the holiday.
Our Korea office will be closed from:
Wednesday, February 18 through Friday, February 20, 2015
Our China office will be closed from:
Wednesday, February 18 through Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Our entire production and project management capacity will be extremely limited for one (1) week from February 18th to February 24th, we apologize in advance for any inconvenience, and thank you for your consideration.
* During the holiday, we are only available to make PRE-SCHEDULED deliveries.
* For new job inquiries received during the holiday, please note that we will NOT be able to make ANY DELIVERIES within the holiday week.
For inquiries during the holiday, please contact the appropriate Account Manager based on your location:
– USA Eastern Time Zone ( usaeast@1stopasia.com)
– USA Pacific Time zone (usawest@1stopasia.com)
– European Time Zone (europe@1stopasia.com)
– Asia Pacific Time Zone (china@1stopasia.com)
Or contact us by phone at +1-213-480-0011