Thanks for stopping by our booth at the 54th Annual ATA Conference
1-Stop Translation Participates in 54th Annual ATA Conference
1-Stop translation has just returned from the 54th Annual ATA conference in San Antonio, Texas. We would like to take this opportunity to personally thank everyone who took the time to stop by our booth throughout this 4-day event. We genuinely appreciate your continued support and patronage. This year 1-stop Translation was represented by our very own CEO and Founder, Don Shin and Vendor Manager, Gina Lee.
The American Translators Association Conference is geared towards translators and translation agencies who wish to learn, network and connect with over 1,500 colleagues from around the world. This years’s edition consisted of educational sessions, enlightening tutorials, as well as exhibits and seminars.
“I haven’t missed attending this conference for more than a decade and yet it never gets old. I always pick up something new and appreciate the opportunity to network and interact with fellow attendees year in and year out,” Commented CEO and Founder, Don Shin.
For those of you who missed the conference, we’re sorry that you couldn’t attend, but we look forward to seeing you in Chicago next fall for the 55th gathering. For more information regarding the event please visit, www.atanet.org.
For more pictures of the conference check out our Facebook Page