We Return from the Procurement Connections & Business Matchmaking

1-Stop Translation Returns from the Procurement Connections & Business Matchmaking Conference

This month 1-Stop Translation has recently returned from the Procurement connections and Business matchmaking conference. The event was hosted by US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation (USPAACC), and held Thursday, March 7th 2013, at the Hyatt Regency Orange County, in Garden Grove, California.

The Procurement connections & Business matchmaking provides members with valuable information on available contract opportunities, requisite procurement procedures, and related networking resources. The conference featured several key activities that enabled attendees to network with and learn from representatives from Southern California Corporations and Government Agencies; some of these activities included, informative breakout sessions, and one-on-one business meetings.

This year the company was represented by our Marketing Manager, Pricilla Niode and Marketing Associate, Tony Kim. Anyone who wants and is willing to connect with Asian American businesses, and corporate executives to discuss contract needs, business innovation, and global business topics, this is the seminar for you!

For those who missed the event we’re sorry you could not attend, but please enjoy these photos and visit for more conference information.




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