Korean Music & Content Market USA 2012

Korean Music & Content Market USA 2012

1-Stop Translation has recently returned from this year’s Korean Music & Content Market USA 2012. The event which was held in Downtown Los Angeles, offered various business opportunities, and insightful events from the Korean Hallyu market. The Korean Hallyu also known as the “Korean Wave” refers to the abrupt increase and mass popularity of the South Korean Entertainment and culture. This year our company was represented by Marketing Manager, Pricilla Niode and Vendor Manager, Gina Lee.

This program was designed so that all participants could: “interact, engage, and share opinions on the emerging markets across new and diverse platforms. It also enabled guests to connect with manufacturers, companies, entertainment executives, distributors, and decision makers.” (KMCM2012)

From panels and seminars to one on one business meetings, this event was truly something you did not want to miss. But for those who did, please enjoy these photos and for more information click here.



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