6th Annual ALC Conference

San Francisco, CA-The 6th Annual ALC Conference was held at the Hotel Nikko, located in beautiful Union Square. It was a wonderfully organized event which combined a range of events covering various issues that pertain to language service providers and specifically to their owners and senior managers.

1-Stop Translation is once again represented by our CEO, Don Shin and our Director of Marketing and Business Development, Francesca Riggio. On top of participating as a platinum sponsor to the event, Don Shin was also selected as one of the few speakers that were provided with the chance to share their years of knowledge and experience in the industry to the general ALC audience. Shin delivered a successful presentation titled “Simple IT Solutions for Small Business.” His presentation received a generous and positive feedback from those who attended.

For those of you who were unable to attend the event, we have uploaded the presentation to our website in PDF format, for easier use and access. Please click on the following link to view the presentation:

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