1-StopAsia donates scroll for Translators without Borders’ Fundraiser
This month Lionbridge Technologies hosted a fundraising event with Translators without Borders in an effort to not only raise funds for Translators without Borders and to help more European refugees with language needs; but also to raise awareness of this great humanitarian effort. The fundraiser, which was held during the Localization World 29 Silicon Valley conference, took place on October 14th, 2015.
The event entitled, “Celebrating the Diversity of Africa” called for several volunteers to donate auction items. As a longtime advocate, 1-Stopasia did not pass up the opportunity to be involved. The donated item was a Chinese picture scroll called, “Autumn in Water city.”
“We wanted to donate something that spoke to our company heritage, and contribute something that would uniquely represent Asian culture, so we thought what better item than a traditional Chinese scroll,” commented CEO, Don Shin.
With over 200+ supporters and participating businesses the event was a huge success. We are thankful to have been a part of such a beautiful humanitarian cause. For more information please visit, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/celebrating-the-diversity-of-africa-tickets-18500324970.
About Translators Without Borders
Translators without Borders is a non-profit association set up to provide pro bono translation services for humanitarian non-profits. Their mission is to increase access to knowledge through humanitarian translations. For more information or to donate, please visit: http://translatorswithoutborders.org/