Officially Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

1-Stop Translation USA, LLC has successfully completed the verification process and has received a Minority Business Enterprise Certification (MBE) from The Supplier Clearinghouse. Certification is one tool that may lead to meeting majority companies in the private sector and government agency’s seeking to do business with WMBEs. Upon certification, 1-Stop Translation USA, LLC is placed in a database which is accessible by participating utilities. Our certification allows organizations to know they are dealing with genuine WMBEs.

About The Supplier Clearinghouse

The Clearinghouse is a Commission-supervised entity whose primary purpose is to audit and verify the status of WMBEs, and to establish and maintain a database of WMDVBEs that is accessible to the CPUC and to participating utilities. The Clearinghouse audit and verification program precludes the need for individual utilities to audit and verify WMBEs with whom they do business.

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