1-Stop Translation Sponsors New AsianTalks.com Blog
1-Stop Translation Sponsors New AsianTalks.com Blog
1-Stop Translation is delighted to announce the launch of AsianTalks.com, a blog with a mission its readers to discover the transformative potential of living, working and thriving in the Asia-Pacific region. The blog will present three interviews each month with pioneering entrepreneurs, expatriate professionals, as well as Asian and Asian American returnees who provide valuable insights into living and working in Asia.
Our chief editor, Elizabeth Shim is the blog’s interviewer and social networking contact in New York. Her online media works have focused on the globalization of contemporary Asian culture. Previously, she worked as the deputy editor of Seoul magazine, as a cultural correspondent for the Korean cultural service in New York, contributed to KoreAm journal, and edited and produced Korean War in Color, a firsthand account of the Korean War by former NBC war correspondent John Rich.