1-Stop Translation Joins Exclusive Panel Discussion on Vendor Collaboration in GALA 2011

1-Stop Translation has recently returned from attending GALA 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal where our CEO & founder Don Shin took part in the eagerly anticipated panel discussion, “Vendor Collaboration: Competitive Threat or Competitive Advantage?”

The panel discussion was held on Monday, March 28 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. This discussion was moderated by Andrew Lawless (Dig-IT! Consulting) and Don was joined by other exclusive panel members which includes Smith Yewell (WeLocalize), Wouter Leeuwis (Waters Corp.) and Loy Searle (Google Inc.). Each panelist were given time to express their own point of view and prior experience on the pros and cons of vendor collaboration prior to the start of the discussion.

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