1-Stop Translation Celebrates one year Anniversary

1-Stop Translation Celebrates one year Anniversary

1-Stop Translation is delighted to announce the anniversary of We are excited to reflect on the whirlwind of success we’ve accomplished with our blog. It has been one year since the launch of the blog, with its main mission to enable its reader to discover the transformative potential of living, working and thriving in the Asia-Pacific region. With almost 46 articles and podcasts we’ve come to interview some of the most intriguing and influential expats and professionals all over Asia.  Their insider expertise, along with their unique adventures and how they’ve overcame certain obstacles have come as great aid and guide for our readers.

This blog has really come to evolve and we have created a place where it can really flourish and grow to new heights. “ We’ve gone from asking very basic, 101-type questions to handling more advanced, industry-specific questions that can really help readers figure out, ‘Well, is that something I would like to do, if given the opportunity,” commented Chief editor, Elizabeth Shim.

We owe all our success to our readers and supporters and like to thank them for sticking with us for this past year. We look forward to celebrating next year’s anniversary with you as well!


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